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Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Sorting out the American System of government

 With the recent developments (Kamala the Dem's choce), it is virtually guaranteed that the Dems will win the election in Nov 2024 with a good solid majority in all three branches of government. 

The Democrats will then have at worse, 2 years to repair the American way of governance, possibly 4 years but at the very best 8 years.  With the oft demonstrated record of the American people to vote in a way which is diametrically against their own best interests, they should only count on 2 years.  If the Dems don't, sort out the American government during this window of opportunity  the forces of evil, authoritarianism and gross, ugly venality(I don't think I exaggerate) will rise up again and America will take a nose dive into anarchy.  Worse still, would-be-dictators in the rest of the free world will take heart and try it on for size themselves.  The world could sink into a dark age like we haven't experienced for a long time.


Note that in July and August, (election is in November) Trump was preaching to the faithful that they should get out and vote this time and they will never have to vote again. Then he came up with an even more traitorous comment.  He said don't bother voting.  I have all the votes I need.  To top it all off, on the Rachel Maddow show it was reveled that in some 70 counties, mainly in swing states, MAGA Republicans have been appointed to be the main polling officers and that they will not certify the election results, no matter who wins.  Some of them were already involved in the recent federal voting debacle.


It is most important that the government establish the following changes in  their system, in whatever way makes it hardest to reverse. (written into the constitution??)


Biden, in his swan song, said we have to perfect our union.  Just saving it would be a good start.

Following is a check list of what needs doing in America.  In no particular order:

1. Polling stations.

There should be massively more polling stations.  Use schools and public meeting halls.  They are everywhere.  No one should have to wait more than 10 minutes to vote and no one should have to travel more then 10 minutes to a polling station.  Best of all if you can walk to your local polling station.  All  polling stations must have CTV cameras.  Some must be focused on the official who checks the ID of each voter and some outside where people are lining up.  The recordings from these cameras must be forwarded, well labeled, to Washington so if there are any complaints of being hassled during voting, the appropriate record can be checked to substantiate or deny the allegations.  Any interference in the voting system must be met with jail time and public shaming.

2.  Voter registration

A much simpler and effective system of voting registration must be put in place.  There must be a clear criteria of what is needed to register and this must be followed.  Attempts to interfere with the system must be met with jail time. Voter registration locations must be monitored by CTV cameras and if unlawful obstruction are being observed being put in the way of American citizens - jail time.

3. Voting denial

When someone comes to vote, the polling officer often subjects a voter who is believed to be about to vote for the other candidate than the polling officer would prefer, to delay after delay.    They are subjected to endless  questions while letting through people who they think will vote their way.  All polling stations should be covered by CTV cameras and the flash drives from these cameras delivered with the ballots to the central voting station.  Again jail time for obstructionism.


4 Time and conditions in line

This is as egregious as the rest of the American voting system.  People have to wait in long lines.  To add insult to injury some states have put in a ruling that no one can bring food or drink to those waiting in line.  What an absolute joke.  Do you have democracy or not. What a mickey mouse system. And there must be portable toilets in any location where toilets are not available.

5. Delegate system

The delegate system is so un-democratic that it boggles the mind that a country that calls itself not just democratic but a beacon of democracy to the world has not already scrapped it.  Real democracy is one-man one-vote and if you want to claim the title of a democracy, the vote of someone in one part of the country should have exactly the same weight as anyone else in the country.  Republicans are of course all for this totally undemocratic system.  It is the only way they win elections.  They haven't won the popular vote in ages.

6. Gerrymandering

This is a hard one to solve.  An objective system that neither party can muck with is needed.  As with all the other changes, it must be put into the strongest form of legislation possible so that it is very hard to break.  It's object should be, in so far as is possible, to give each voter equal influence on the outcome of elections.  It would take people far cleverer than me to work out such a system.  Good luck on this one

7. Money in politics

While sorting out Gerrymandering will be a technical nightmare, sorting out the influence of money in the American political system will be a political nightmare.  Politicians get funding for their election campaigns from donors, rich and not so rich, some politicians are  made rich while in office (certainly not from their salaries) and some politicians are given sweet jobs when they leave office.  Then you have the complete corruption of some of the judges of the Supreme Court by rich billionaires.  Trying to sell to the American public that any financing of a public official must come from the exchequer will demand a superb job of public education.  The public think they are getting some sort of benefit by someone else financing the elections of their politicians but they are loosing in so many ways.


8. Vote certification

Clearly there is a need to be able to address any form of corruption in an election.  Else why have an official who certifies the votes in each district. But certification must not be  held hostage by such an official.  Some set procedure must be put in place when the district voting officer doesn't want to certify the results of voting in his district.  It will be pretty complex to work out a fair, fool-proof system.  For instance, the officer could be compelled to fill out a standard form which clearly states his or her reasons for not certifying.  It must be filled out and sent by messenger to the supreme court chief  justice on the day after voting is closed.  The head supreme court judge must convene the same day, all the members of the court.  They must hand down a ruling the same day.  I'm sure it will be more complicated than the above but something must be done so that the results of voting are not delayed. 


9.  Proof of citizenship

The Democrats must promote citizens having a proof of citizenship plastic card, the same size as a credit card, with a picture of the person.  They must then pass a federal law that this card is sufficient proof of citizenship to allow the holder to vote in any election.  The card should be renewed, say, every 10 years in order to have an up-to-date photograph.  Responsible parents should make sure that their children have this card and there must be an easy rout to taking an original birth certificate and getting one of these cards.  A good option would be the location where you go to get and renew your driver's license.  They have the facilities to issue plastic drivers lisences and a wee tweak would allow them to issue birth certificate cards. 

I'm sure that people in the know will find other measures that must be taken to make the American system fair.  If it isn't done, at some time in the future, Trumpism under some other would be dictator will arise and there may not arise someone who can save America from going down the googler.