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Monday, September 23, 2024

The call for an end of the war and for a two state solution

 If you even listen to the news occasionally, you may well have heard of the Two State Solution. Since the Israelis already have a state and the Palestinians don't, just the phrase 'two state solution' implies that somehow the Israelis have been blocking the Palestinians from getting a sovereign state.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  The first time Palestinian Arabs were offered a state was in 1948 when the UN declared the land that was owned by Jews as a state and the most recent was in 2005 when Israel unilaterally pulled out of Gaza and left it to the administration of the Arabs that remained there.  The only time it worked was in 2005 and it was forced on the Palestinians.

It was most disappointing that  in Sept. 2024 that so many nations at the UN called for the cessation of the war in the Middle East.

It seems like a great move on the face of it.  After all, who wants a war to continue.  That is until you realize the true nature of the conflict.  All that is necessary to stop the war is for Hezbollah, Hamas and the Houthis to stop firing rockets at, and carrying on terrorist acts against Israel and the war will be over in that hour.  In contrast if Israel stopped her military action against the terrorists, they would continue to carry on just as they have been doing for years, firing rockets at the civilian population of Israel and carrying out various terrorist acts.  The phrase 'from the river to the sea' should be enough  to cause  anyone to realize the truth.  It is a call for the genocide of the people of Israel.  
Incidentally, if the Moslems ever succeed in conquering Israel, the Arab state they create would rapidly slide into the same sort of kleptocratic theocracy that is found in all the surrounding states. Women and all minorities would be persecuted and would have lost all their human rights.

Of most importance, the two state solution has been tried and failed.  Israel did it unilaterally in 2005 when she pulled out of Gaza, lock, stock and barrel and left the Arabs to manage their own affairs.  If they had used the immense amount of wealth they were given to develop, instead of arming Gaza, it would now be the Beirut of the Middle East (Before Iran and her terrorist proxies took it over, Beirut was known as the Paris of the Middle East) 

Israel is accused of apartheid, most recently by Ramaposa of South Africa.  Whatever you think about Israel, it certainly does not practice apartheid.  Jews of all persuasions, Christians, Bedouins and, yes, Moslem Arabs all have the same rights in Israel.  And all are represented in the parliament (Knesset) in proportion to their population.  For heaven sake, a Moslem judge recently sent a corrupt Jewish member of the government to jail for his crimes.  By contrast, in Arab countries, all minorities, even including fellow Arabs of a different sect are heavily discriminated against.  There are no Jews in Arab countries.  All have been expelled.  Every Arab state has conducted 'Ethnic cleansing')


Israel has also been accused of genocide by some equally ignorant folks.  When you look at the increase of the Arab population of Israel from its inception in 1948 to the present??? show me where there is genocide.  Quite to the contrary.  Other countries in the Middle East have tried to commit genocide against the Armenians (Turks 1915-1916), the Kurds (Turks 1930 and Iraq 1988), the Yazides (Iraq 2014) and so forth. I could go on but you get the picture.


The nations of the world should stop pussy footing around the subject and say it the way it is. Call for the terrorist organizations to cease fire and for Iran to stop financing them.


Incidentally, if you think the ambitions of the religious fanatics who lead the Arab states ends with Israel, think again.  You only have to look at the UK with the Moslems they  have so easily let in.  The immigrants are calling for the establishment of Sharia law which would be the end of all the freedoms the common people have won in the UK over the centuries, with blood sweat and tears.  If the UK doesn't smarten up, she is going to be a very different place in a few years and it won't be pretty.  Other European countries are getting so fed up with their Arab immigrants that they are talking about sending them back to where they came from.


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